Close-up of adult woman, eyes closed, warmly embracing her partner

Inside ConnectiveRx

It's not easy to get a prescription to a patient anymore. And when things do get messy along the prescription journey, pharmaceutical manufacturers have relied on us to untangle the process and create a clear pathallowing a patient to build a trusting relationship with their medication brand. Within our walls there’s a collective of people who really want to help others and you’ll find that level of humanity goes a long, long way.

We’re proud of who we are
and how we help clients

We’re not only committed to taking the pain out of the prescription process, but we’re also devoted to bringing the brightest minds together under one roof. We have many voices (engineers, pharmacists, customer service veterans, developers, program strategists and more) all with one vision. Each and every one of us brings a new perspective and new experiences that make ConnectiveRx better than the sum of its parts. 

ConnectiveRx program management Teammates

Our Leaders

Meet the people who make ConnectiveRx an innovative, passionate, and industry-leading company.

Harry Totonis
CEO and Chairman of the Board
Brett Weinblatt
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Laura Blair
Chief Commercial Officer
Chief Development Officer
Chief People Officer
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer
Chief Strategy Officer
General Counsel, Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer

And Now for the Stats

170 +
Pharmaceutical manufacturing clients
530 +
Brands programs designed
Prescribers on the
ConnectiveRx EHR network
$5 Billion
Patient benefits processed
2 Billion
Rx transactions each year
90 Million
Patients supported annually

Let's talk shop.