Do You Know About ConnectiveRx's Creative Services Team?

Awareness and Adherence

When we say we provide end-to-end patient engagement services, we mean it.

Case in point: Meet Ryan Bement, Senior Director of Creative Services. Ryan recently sat down in our podcast studio to talk about the ways that his team supports pharma manufacturers by helping them design in-EHR ads that catch the attention of busy prescribers and keep patients informed on critical cost savings and educational information.


Optimizing EHR Ads: A Look into ConnectiveRx’s Creative Solutions

In short, a partnership with ConnectiveRx means our clients have the in-house support to ensure every dollar spent on a message has the best possible chance to reach its target audience and produce the desired outcome. But how does this look in practice?

As Ryan mentions, his team works directly with manufacturers to not only produce a visually appealing message, but also one that maximizes workflow efficiency. This ensures that the message will contain impactful content, presented in a clear and concise format in helpful and professional tone. Here is just one example of some of the pointers the team will share:

Structure best practices

Download our complete messaging best practices guide here.

Achieve Your Patient Services Goals with Tailored Messaging 

A true end-to-end service provider can support big picture goals with close attention to details and an experienced team ready to take action. To learn more about our messaging solutions and how our team can support your patient services goals, reach out to us at

Benefits of Pharmaceutical Point-of-Care Awareness & Adherence Messaging 

EHR messaging to HCPs is vital for increasing brand awareness and script lift. These messages help get the right prescription written for the right medication and the right patient.

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